Monday 28 September 2015


Nicola Cooper has an uncanny ability to spot what’s about to be cool…. her observations acutely tuned to the present moment, while she is also inextricably linked to past eras and movements, and her gaze is ever-set on a shifting future. As a trend analyst, she melds her observations of time and patterns with her expertise, and ever-expanding research, to chart trends and behaviour on the hyper local and international scale.

As a keen academic and analyst, self-confessed “trend geek”, teacher, speaker and brand consultant, Nicola Cooper is a formidable presence on Africa’s fashion and lifestyle landscapes.As a proud Africanist, certainly in terms of the fashion and cultural spheres, Nicola is at the fore of new thinking on the continent. She is strong-willed, analytical, logical and creative, and thrives on opportunities to push new boundaries of thought. She travels extensively for her consultations and research, which she conducts with individual-, group- and corporate-clients. A familiar face in South African media; she regularly appears on TV, radio and lifestyle entertainment programmes, sharing her unique insights. She also works with documentarians on content around youth culture in Africa, and serves as a mentor to dynamic young groups like Khumbula, The Sartists and young entrepreneurs such as Phendu Kuta.

My home is a very humble space; I sold my NYC loft style apartment in the Johannesburg CBD about five years ago. I loved the city but I needed a smaller space and chose a gorgeous cottage in the oldest suburb in Johannesburg, Kensington. It is private, quiet, surrounded by trees, filled with books, usual artefacts and mementos from around the world and has a back yard for my dog Bowie. With my position I am lucky to be able to work from anywhere in the world and it is even better if it is from my home.

Nicola’s hairy child, Bowie.

7:30  I usually wake up and pour myself a very strong cup of coffee, as a part of my ritual I take my morning coffee in my Wonder Woman mug given to me by my best friend, Roy Potterill. It makes me smile and reminds me to be grateful for the incredible humans I have in my life on a daily basis. 

I usually climb back into bed with my laptop (this is the best hot spot for my internet), my phone and my hairy child Bowie. I love music, music liberates me, so I start off my morning usually listening to a mix tape that either I made for myself or a friend made for me. I immerse myself all news, articles, twitter feeds, trends and select my morning mantra, a saying which resonates with me, I meditate on this, think about how it is in alignment with the way I feel before I share it with my twitter and instagram followers. I find words, lyrics and poetry greatly inspirational. Keats, Cummings, Leav, Nietzsche, Fitzgerald I inhale words as if they were a beautiful scent and read many before choosing my morning mantra.

As most of my work is done remotely, I usually plan my time around my meetings for the day and use a remote web-based, project management system for all jobs and the various research assistants, trend spotters and additional individuals per job. And often get an additional cup of coffee. I always refer to this as #NoPantsWorking and Sundays in my home are strictly #NoPantsSundays

I compile a daily to do list for each project and allocate deadlines for each individual including myself. All this before I get ready.

10:30  I usually tidy my home, I rarely eat at home and if I do, it is usually cake for breakfast – this I lovingly refer to my Marie Antoinette Syndrome as I eat cake on a daily basis. As a result there are always few dishes but I am OCD about the placement of my objects in my home. I have prized items that I have collected around the world and fit into a tiny space that is befitting of a nomadic worker.

11:00  My morning ritual consist of a basic skin care regime with some incredible products (having a beauty blogger as a BFF, is the penultimate blessing) As most people know I am a big hair girl, from the classic black bitch bob to the now what I refer to as the Mofo country hair in red I look after my hair and now it is long I like to experiment with curls, if I have time I do, if not it remains straight or goes into a high pony ready for what the day has to offer me. I use a smoothing serum for shine and rock the red like a google beacon.

My wardrobe is fairly simple and I know what I have and what works etc. so it takes me very little time to get ready. I have had it all my life and it just depends on my mood for the day. Of course, most of my wardrobe is black. And for me, Black is always the new black. I keep my make-up basic for the day, I have very fine pale skin and play to the porcelain palette, a soft eye with a flash of liquid liner and usually a red lip.

With best friend, Roy Potterill.

12:00  I set out to most meetings midday, if necessary. Usually it is with a client to discuss a project or alternatively it could be giving a trend talk to a public or private audience (In or out of Jozi)

I love the opportunity to explain trends and how they work, with all the intricacies that make them unique to our continent and our consumers. I hope my audience leaves feeling connected to me as an individual, richer for being there and assured that the knowledge comes from a well-researched and knowledgeable place.

Alternatively, to presenting and meeting with clients. If there is work to be completed, such as research I will plug myself in with some great music and get lost in research. Many analysts do not do their own research and I of course do not do it all myself, however, finding gems of information and uncovering new music, sub cultures, designers and technology drives me. I am a complete information junkie of all types and a firm believer that I need to know all before I can provide a comprehensive report, this includes me researching and going through all information this is a process coined ‘Deep Diving’ and ‘Thin Slicing."

I work at my dining room table which in actual fact is just my large desk – I do not entertain many individuals at my home and I am painfully private, even many of my closest friends have not been to my home. I have been feeling the need to invite people into my space but am so rarely at home myself that the correct nesting has not happened yet.

16:00  Usually in launch Season – which is the beginning of the new ranges in stores and new product releases I am invited to as many as three to four events per week. I attempt to attend as many events as possible. Apart from the ‘Glamour’ that surrounds these events, it is very important to keep in touch with your industry peers and know what is happening at all times. I need no additional reason for dressing up and if I can I will often playing with my hair and darker eye make up for a more dramatic look. 

Launch times vary however, I am always on time, my OCD nature does not allow for fashionably late – I am very strict about my time and respect others time. I have perfected the launch time, being available for photographs, interviews, and a good look around and always time for my favourite fashion friends and many laughs.

22:00/23:00  Home Time. I need a substantial amount of sleep as I work continuously and if I do not force myself I would not stop working and to be perfectly honest, my brain does not switch off. I cannot sleep without noise so I usually put on music or watch something until I feel myself drifting off.

Phendu Kuta, one of the young entrepreneurs that Nicola mentors.

On Saturday’s I give my time to groups or individuals who have requested for me to Mentor them. I am naturally a giver and information and guidance to someone can fast track their career or even change their lives. I fought hard for my education (I painted people’s houses and aimed for bursaries to put myself through University) and vowed that if I could ever assist in changing or easing the way for someone else, I would. Of course this often gets taken advantage of and sometimes once the success is achieved the gratitude is forgotten. However, I have gotten better at it and I am rewarded in so many ways by those I mentor. I believe it is vital.

Follow Nicola Cooper on Twitter/Instagram: @NicolaCoop. Facebook: Nicola Cooper

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